Leave a gift in your Will today

Continue helping us to care, enable and support

Every day, our caring team is dedicated to providing person-centred care, but we can’t do this without the support of our donors.

You can support our work long into the future by leaving a gift in your Will to Presbyterian Support Central – an incredible way of leaving a legacy of caring in your community.

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Joyful family moment – loving grandfather with his beloved.

How to leave a gift to PSC in your Will

Leaving a bequest in your Will may seem daunting, but it is actually a straightforward process. The first step is to contact your solicitor or professional trustee. They will make sure your wishes are clearly and accurately recorded in your Will or added to your existing Will.

As your Will is a legal document, it is important to seek the right advice and wording from your lawyer, however, to leave a bequest to PSC or our Family Works or Enliven services, we suggest the following wording.

“I give to Presbyterian Support Central ‘a percentage of my estate’ or: ‘the residue of my estate’, or: ‘the sum of $’, for general purposes. I declare that the receipt of Presbyterian Support Central signed by the Chief Executive, or other proper officer, will be sufficient receipt and discharge for my trustees”.

Bequests ‘for general purposes’ will be used where the need is greatest. Alternatively, you may prefer to support and specify an area of our work that is of special interest to you.

Our details:

  • Official name: Presbyterian Support Central
  • PSC Charity Registration Number: CC11182
  • Address: PO Box 12706, Thorndon, Wellington 6144


Types of bequest gifts

You can remember Presbyterian Support Central in your Will in a number of ways.

  • A percentage: you can leave a nominated percentage or fraction of your total estate.
  • A specific gift: You can choose to leave a specific amount of money, real estate, shares or any gift you wish to nominate.
  • A residual gift: after providing for your family, you can nominate that you want to leave part, or all of what’s left of your estate to PSC. Its flexibility also means it is less likely to need updating over time.