Covid-19 Update 17 August

At 11.59pm on 17 August 2021 we entered COVID-19 Alert Level 4.

The majority of PSC’s Family Works and Enliven services are classified as essential services and remain operational, albeit with restrictions.

Enliven’s day programmes and tai chi classes are postponed. Our rest homes and retirement villages are essential services and will remain operational. However we cannot accept visitors. At this stage Enliven will continue to accept new admissions and emergency respite. 

Some of Family Works’ services will continue to operate with some limitations. Group programmes and parenting programmes have been postponed.

Our Central Office staff, who provide business support services to our site, will be working remotely either from home or our rest homes. The office will be closed, however a small group of core staff will remain. 

PSC’s Enliven and Family Works services are working hard to ensure its vulnerable residents and clients remain safe from Covid-19 in New Zealand. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this time. 

We will continue to update this website as the situation develops. We recommend the official NZ COVID-19 website, as the place to find useful information about COVID-19.

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Annual Report 2023/24

2023-24 was another busy and eventful year for PSC, and more positive than we could have expected across several fronts.

Romika’s Nursing Journey

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