Enliven Levin residents star in photoshoot

Staff and residents at Reevedon Home and Levin Home for War Veterans were recently photographed by Mike Heydon.

A group of Horowhenua elders had a chance to embrace the limelight recently as models for Enliven’s latest photoshoot at Levin Home for War Veterans and Reevedon Home.

The shoot, run last month by photographer Mike Heydon from Jet Productions, captured residents enjoying a typical day at the home, including meals with friends, cuddles with pets, gardening, reading, and arts and craft.

The resulting images will enable Enliven, part of the not-for-profit organisation PSC, to feature real residents in its brochures and websites.

“The photoshoot was something different and new for the residents and staff here, and many of them were very excited about it,” says Levin Home and Reevedon Home and Village manager Michelle Day.

At all Enliven homes, residents are encouraged to get involved in decisions and activities that involve them.

Michelle says the photoshoot provided the golden opportunity for the residents to show how they contribute to what happens in the home and the activities provided.

“We do our very best to empower residents to make their own decisions and get involved in the running of the home, whether that’s through deciding which vegetables should be planted in the garden or whether they want to take part in what’s going on, even a photoshoot!”

In Levin Enliven offers a full continuum of care from independent retirement living to rest home, hospital and dementia care, short-term respite, health recovery care and an engaging day programme. To learn more about Enliven’s philosophy and services, visit www.enlivencentral.org.nz. You can also call 06 368 7900 (Reevedon Home) or 06 366 0052 (Levin Home).

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