Flying the flag for Anzac at Levin Home for War Veterans

Veterans and Defence Force representatives join forces at Levin Home to mark Anzac Day.

Anzac Day 2021 saw a welcome return to form for Enliven’s Levin Home for War Veterans after the 2020 service was cancelled due to Covid-19.

“The service is regarded by many residents as the most important event of the year,” says long time Levin Home administrator Vicky Prouting. “It was very special for our veterans to be able to march and participate in an Anzac Day service with their families.”

At 8.30am on the bright, still morning the flag was raised as the guests were seated.

The front lawn was lined with crosses, the majority to honour World War I veterans who passed away at the home, with a smaller but growing section to honour World War II veterans.

Those who came to pay their respects and remember those who contributed included residents and their loved ones, Enliven staff, Ōtaki Labour MP Terisa Ngobi, and the wider Horowhenua community.

The NZ Defence Force – including two sappers with their bomb dogs, as well as police and firefighters and young people from the Horowhenua College Services Academy, made their presence felt and assisted the veterans during the parade.

Salvation Army Major Mick Marshall led the proceedings as MC.

Speakers included Horowhenua Mayor Bernie Wanden, Warrant Officer Class 2 Brent Ruruku, Jim Lewis from the Levin RSA and 2nd Engineers Staff Sergeant Ben Lockton. The Last Post rang out from trumpeter Wayne Kaye.

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