Kandahar Village open for viewing

Kandahar Home manager Peter Newman and Kandahar Village Sales Agent Nell MacDonald in the newly-opened show home villa.

The finishing touches were recently placed on the first villa at Enliven’s Kandahar Retirement Village in Masterton.

The two-bedroom show home villa is the first of 52 retirement villas that will be built at the site, which lies adjacent to Enliven’s Kandahar Home.

Those who had signed an expression of interest in the villas were recently allowed a sneak peek at the completed villa.

Enliven is welcoming anyone who is interested to come and inspect the home, located in Lansdowne.

“This is a great opportunity for people to come and see for themselves the beautiful villas we have on offer,” says Kandahar Village Sales Agent Nell MacDonald.

“There has already been a huge amount of interest in the new villas, which is great to see. We already have a number under offer.”

Once complete, the development will also include a village community centre which will be available for use by village residents and the wider community. The first 12 villas are due to be completed by the end of November.

Nell says residents at Kandahar Village will be able to enjoy independent retirement living in a safe, caring and friendly neighbourhood.

“The village is also a short walk to Lansdowne’s cafes, convenience stores and Wairarapa Hospital. Masterton town centre is just a short drive away too.”

The architecturally designed villas are modelled on Enliven’s sought-after Kowhainui Villas in Whanganui.

Residents in the new villas will have property maintenance and gardening looked after by Enliven. They can also choose to access some of Enliven’s great services provided, including meals, cleaning and health recovery care.

To find out more about Enliven’s Kandahar Retirement Village, visit www.enlivencentral.org.nz/kandahar-village or to arrange a viewing call Nell on 06 370 0662.

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