Outstanding performance wins for Priyanka

Priyanka Chettri, Longview Home’s clinical coordinator, received a Tawa Rotary ‘Pride of Work’ award recently for making a difference for residents and staff.

“While I knew I was a finalist, I was very pleased to win my section,” says Priyanka.

Priyanka received a Prezzy voucher and a framed certificate.

Priyanka has worked at Longview Home for almost three years and says she enjoys being part of such a proactive team.

“The staff here like what they do, and they always do more than their job. In that way it’s like a family, always looking out for each other.”

Longview Home manager Noelette Matthews says Priyanka was the only nurse up for an award.

“I’m proud of her and the way she’s working her way up the ladder. She came to us a registered nurse and kept up with her study. Then when the opportunity arose, she stepped into the role of clinical coordinator,” says Noelette.

Presbyterian Support Central Chief Executive Joe Asghar was also there to cheer Priyanka on.

He said it was a pleasure to be there with her as she received her award alongside other local Tawa stars.

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