Quilt exhibition a success

Family Works Wairarapa Group Facilitator Pauline Cave with former PSC Chief Executive Pat Waite.

Family Works Wairarapa held its second fundraising quilt exhibition and sale in October and November, collecting more than $5,000 to support its family violence and safety programmes.

The event was largely organised by Family Works Wairarapa Group Facilitator Pauline Cave, who herself is an avid quilter.

The exhibition was held in Featherston and was a real community event, Pauline says.

“We had The South Wairarapa Inner Wheel group come along to sit and knit in the hall for one afternoon.

“These wonderful ladies donate their knitted clothing and blankets to Family Works Wairarapa throughout the year for our families in need.”

Many of the quilts for sale were made by local quilters, and a portion of the sale from a selection of them went towards the fundraising efforts.

“Staff from our Family Works office all took a turn on duty during the nine-day event, along with other friends and members of our local quilting group,” Pauline says.

“I also had a wonderful band of volunteers to help hang the exhibition, which took about six hours, and get the venue all set up. Another super bunch of volunteers helped to bring everything down after it finished.”

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