Providing support where the need is greatest

Murray Eggers has chosen to leave a bequest to PSC in his Will.

Retiree Murray Eggers believes in the work done by Presbyterian Support Central and wants to help further the work of the not-for-profit.

Murray, who lives in Kāpiti, has chosen to leave a bequest to PSC in his Will.

Murray was raised Presbyterian and had a strong connection with the church during his years growing up in Upper Moutere, in Nelson, and then in Wellington.

“I went through bible class and everything,” Murray remembers.

“When I got older and moved to Wellington I became an elder at St Ninian’s Church in Karori. I also had a lot of involvement with St Andrew’s on the Terrace.”

It was about 20 years ago when Murray started to think about his legacy, that he decided he wanted to leave a bequest.

As well as being involved with the church, Murray was already a member of PSC and supported the work it was doing.

“I thought of Presbyterian Support immediately,” he says when it came to thinking about his Will. “It was a very easy decision to make.”


Murray took his first overseas trip to Sydney in 1966, starting a lifelong love of travel. Following that, he and his partner spent a year on an OE in London.

Murray has also spent many holidays in Honolulu, travelled the mainland United States, many European and Eastern European countries, Russia and Morocco.

His love for going abroad was also reflected in his career, as Murray worked initially as a journalist and then became the editor of the marketing division of the then-named Tourism Board.

The Covid-19 pandemic unfortunately means any further overseas travel has been put on hold for Murray.

While at home, he enjoys producing daily records of the weather in Kāpiti and the region, and produces a short column on it for the local newspaper.

He is also an avid writer of letters to the editor – having written about 1,000 over his lifetime.

Making a difference

PSC planned giving advisor Gail Plamus says bequests make a “huge” difference to charities such as PSC.

“They can support families in need to receive counselling services – and there are so many areas that need that.”

When someone makes a bequest they are welcome to determine where they want the money to be used, Gail says.

A bequest to PSC could help children and families unable to afford support services, but who do not fit the government funding criteria to access the help that they might need.

It can also cover the ‘extras’ for residents of Enliven homes to provide things such as specialist dementia care. Murray says he is happy for his bequest “to go to where the greatest need is”.

Fnd out more information about leaving a bequest to PSC’s Enliven

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